Friday, 27 March 2009

Simply No

Quite Simply,
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The strong live far beyond death’s touch,
No grim reaper can gather gold
That speaks with words describing light
No purveyor ever sold.

The weak live far beyond death’s touch,
No grim reaper gathers the meek,
That speaks with words describing light
No arrogance shall ever seek.

The one light shines beyond death’s touch,
No grim reaper can douse the flame
That lives within every soul,
No hurdle will ever stop the lame.

The music plays beyond death’s touch,
No grim reaper can silence the chord
That rises above any mind,
No memory can ever record.

The pattern plays beyond death’s touch,
No grim reaper sees the morrow,
That creeps behind the darkest night,
No darkness sees the light follow.

The silence lives beyond death’s touch,
No grim reaper destroys the light
That lives far beyond the mind’s eye,
No darkness can destroy true sight.

The end lives far beyond death’s touch,
No grim reaper harvests a gift
That passed freely from one to all,
No shadow shall show any rift.

Because quite Simply,
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1 comment:

Connie said...

No other words come to mind!!