Friday, 16 April 2010

Stage Struck

'TIME TO SAY PLEASE' From Visual Counterpoint

The composer waits to hear his music played,
The audience wonders why they stayed,

The curtain rises to silence long lost,
The audience is now counting the cost.

'TIME TO GROW' From Visual Counterpoint

The writer walks onto centre stage,
Followed by the actors, all in a cage.


The composer shrinks as his distant tones
Echo too well the cries and groans,

That emanate from the writhing mass
That gives all to the bars in order to pass.

'TIME TO BE COUNTED' From Visual Counterpoint

The writer weaves dark words around light,
Actors generously play every role of plight,

The music rises and falls as the orchestra plays,
Notes that were only waiting to amaze.
'TIME TO REMEMBER' From Visual Counterpoint

The writer wipes his words from his mind,
As he sees them spoken in anger and kind,

'Time to love' From Visual Counterpoint

The composer hears his music played,
The audience was thankful that they stayed.
'TIME TO SAY THANK YOU' From Visual Counterpoint
This post was inspired by Transitions written by a someone who I have never met but believe is not only a great actor on the theatrical stage but a great human being on the world's stage.
Please follow the link and read his journal. You will not be disappointed for your effort.


Rose~* said...

Lovely close-ups, Liz. Your photos look like they are almost jumping off the page. I agree with your comments about our fellow blogger-actor, DB. He really is an interesting fellow.

DB said...

Thank you, a hundred times.